Nano Influencer Marketing: The New Face Of Digital Marketing

Today, social media plays such an important part in all our lives, be it from a point of view of leisure activity or be it a business, almost all the millennials and adults today are using many social media platforms. These platforms have the ability to impact the lives of many.
When it comes to influencer marketing, it seems reasonable to assume that we as marketers should all be aiming for a coveted post on the feed of a creator with hundreds of thousands of followers, right? But this is really not true! Casting aside this highly believed notion is the fact that influencer marketing is going really well on the smaller scale; like nano influencer marketing, regional and micro levelled. No wonder that influencer marketing is predicted to become a $15 billion industry by 2022 (Source: Statista).
Who Are Nano Influencers
Nano-influencers are usually social media users who have a minimum of 1000 followers or more. Typically, the range of followers that nano influencers have is from 1000 to 10000 followers. These are the people who aren’t very glamorous or shiny but do have the strength to influence their local neighborhood or the community to which they belong. The mavens are regarded as ‘regular everyday people’ who help a brand promote their products and services by influencing their friends, family, and people around them. When brands incline to the digital realm of marketing and take advantage of these doyens, it is regarded as nothing but nano influencer marketing.
Why Do Brands Show Interest To Work With Nano Influencer
There are a number of reasons why brands are now working with nano-influencers in spite of their smaller following. Oftentimes nano influencers’ smaller follower count or lack of fame is, in fact, part of their appeal.
Highly Authentic
Since Nano influencers have a smaller audience, they also have a closer relationship with their followers, being viewed as a peer rather than an unattainable ideal. Since studies show that 70% of millennial consumers are influenced by the recommendations of their peers in buying decisions, this can easily translate to sales.
Easier To Work With
Nano-influencers tend to be much more agreeable to the terms set forth by a brand. In other words, they are easier to work with compared to more established influencers who may have their own set of demands and terms. In case brands are hiring a notable nano influencer marketing company, then the process tends to be more hassle-free.
Extraordinary Results
It has been witnessed by brands lately that nano influencers achieved 22.2 times more conversions than average consumers when they recommended products. 82 percent of consumers reported that they were highly likely to follow a recommendation made by a nano influencer. When brands hold hands with the best nano influencer marketing agency, it is undeniable that their campaigns are going to hit starboards.
Great Option For Brands With Limited Budget
Survey show that almost 45% of the influencers prefer monetary compensation, but when it comes to nano influencers, they are much more interested in trading goods and services. This is likely to be an advantage for brands choosing nano influencer marketing with an economical budget.
How Nano Influencers Have Affected Digital Marketing
Fortunately, the era when brands were mainly looking only at the count of followers seems to be fading away. Today influencer marketing specialists are looking for creators who have an individual approach and are trusted by their audience. Nano influencers are a combination of both, which makes them ideal partners, and nano influencer marketing is the most sought marketing idea. They are fully dedicated to what they do and are open to advocating for things in which they believe. These mavens will grow with your brand, you can hire them at the beginning of their journey and nurture them to become a highly-influential ambassador for your brand.
Consumers today buy products based on suggestions from people they trust and respect. Having the right influencer promote your brand can help you effectively market your products. GryNow, as a leading nano influencer marketing platform, has an exemplary team of visionaries that helps brands to reach their goals effectively in record time. The company’s approach to nano influencer marketing is identified as innovative & progressive, allowing brands to make the most of the current trends and achieve undefined success.